
Choosing The Best Summer Camp For Your Child

When your child attends a summer camp, you are exposing them to many elements that will lead to lifetime memories and friendships. However, a summer camp is not exactly the same as a family camping trip, although it does include some of the same things. Similarly to an outdoor camping trip, while on a ...

Looking After Your Teeth While Camping

Now here’s something you might not have thought about! One of the basics – care of your teeth and dentures while you are away from home and camping! Nothing beats spending time in the great outdoors with family and friends. However, since many daily household routines get dropped or changed during a camping trip, ...

Camping Tips and Advice for Amateurs

Suppose it is your first time, how will you go about it? How will you cope with the cold out there if your first camp site happens to be on a snowy hillside? Or what about the creepy crawlies that might come along if you’re camping on the beach? These are daunting questions for ...

‘Slice of Paradise’ in Croatia

Monika Vasiljević and Igor Družeta have a novel idea of how to turn their dream into reality.  They moved to an old property in Kupec dol, a small village located near the capital of Croatia. Their property lies beneath hills that are covered in forests where drinkable water runs. The countryside is ideal for ...