
Lesser Known Parks in Tanzania

There is more to Tanzania National Parks than Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti. Tanzania is blessed with many National Parks that are remote, have a high density of animals and offer a taste of Africa that is rarely offered by most other safari destinations. These National Parks offer exceptional safaris and they are ...

Survival Techniques: Surviving Power Outages

We survived two hurricanes in Florida. Hurricane number one, we had no power for two days. Number two, we were without power for 8 days. Our emergency survivor kit consisted of bottled water, candles, flashlights, batteries, radios and bags of non refrigerated food. The bath tub is filled with water also. The first survival ...

Mt. Kenya Climbing and Mountain Camping

Mount Kenya presents the perfect destination for adventure. It is an extinct volcano some tree and half million years old. Straddling the Equator, the mountain offers a unique mosaic of forest, moorland, rock and ice, and is crowned by the glittering twin peaks of Batain (5,199m) and Nelion (5,188m). Believed to be the sacred ...

California and the Nearby National Parks

California is one of the states that counts with vast amounts of natural resources and because of that the local government has established several areas that need to be kept as a local and national treasure that will stand as our legacy for future generations, these areas are known as national parks. California counts ...

Camp Side Safety: Tips for Building Campfires

Whether you’re at home in the wilderness or one night of camping will satisfy you for years, a night spent under the moon can be a way to bond with friends or family. Nothing beats a night in front of a campfire toasting marshmallows and telling stories. Besides your tent, sleeping bag, and other ...