I am a Canadian, and every summer my family and I partake in an excursion the glorious Rocky Mountains. I know many of you out there are considering taking a voyage to these breathtaking landmarks, or else you wouldn’t be reading this article. So here are my 4 Super Special Amazing Canadian Camping Tips for coming to Canada and camping out here in the true north, strong and free.
Super Special Amazing Canadian Camping Tip Number One:
Bring a sturdy tent.
I know many of you out there are afraid of a little rain, and so you’ll bring along your giant gas guzzling, neighbour annoying RV, but please, leave it at home. You can’t fully experience the beauty of Canadian wilderness unless you’re in a good old fashioned tent. Make sure it’s waterproof, as the precipitation can range from a practical drought to a torrential downpour the likes of which you’ve never seen before.
Super Special Amazing Canadian Camping Tip Number Two:
Bring a High Quality Insect Repellent.
A good insect spray with high levels of DEET is a necessity, especially if you plan your visit during the late August months (which, coincidentally are the best times for good camping). You’ll regret not bringing one from home if you have to buy an overpriced bottle from a local store, and the bugs might very well eat you alive if you go without.
Super Special Amazing Canadian Camping Tip Number Three:
Bring lots of Paper and Kindling
Most campsites will offer firewood for sale at a reasonable price, so don’t bother overloading your vehicle with your own wood, but bringing an ample supply of kindling, scrap newspaper, and any fire starters you may have is an excellent idea. You may get the occasional twig with your campfire wood, but your evening campfires will burn all he brighter and faster with your kindling.
Super Special Amazing Canadian Camping Tip Number Four:
Know how to behave in Bear Country
Bears are abundant in the Rocky Mountains, and you should know how to operate in their habitat. Campsites will provide heavy-duty bear proof bins for secure waste storage. This solves your problem of what to do with your garbage, and you don’t have to worry about packing it out. There are very informative guides around the various visitors centers as to what to do if you engage a bear, but there is only a remote chance of that happening.
So, now you know a bit more about the Canadian wilderness and you’ll be that much more ahead of the game when it comes to exploring the Rockies.
Have fun, and happy Camping!